Senaste nytt - onsdag 15 mars 2017
SEMINAR 1, 17 MARCH 10.00-11.00
Nordic Folk
Galan bjuder på flera spännande seminarier 18 mars - men det gör även Nordic Showcase som ju arrangeras på Dunkers i Helsingborg 16-17 mars.
Det är fredag 17 mars som Nordic Showcase erbjuder ett antal seminarier riktade till branschfolk men förstås även öppna för allmänheten med fri entré. Nordiska turnéstrukturer, nätverk och finansiering är några av ämnena – liksom detta seminarium under ledning av den brittiske musikern och journalisten Andrew Cronshaw (bilden).

A follow up to the seminar at Folkelarm about branding Nordic Folk internationally, as well as strengthening the Nordic collaborations to create a united Nordic folk scene. (Hosted by Music Norway)
Ale Möller, Musician (SWE)
Asgaut Bakken, Riksscenen (NOR)
Henna Salo, Music Finland (FIN)
Claus Vittus, Danish Radio (DK)
Andrew Cronshaw (UK) – Moderator
This one will turn to the focus from just administration to the music and the effects of cross-Nordic branding on it. Here are some of the likely topics, but others will undoubtedly arise, and it will include questions from, and discussion with, the audience.
– Does pan-Nordic promotional collaboration for export create a helpful Nordic brand, or bland it out to Scandiwegian-ness?
– Collaboration by musicians from different Nordic countries, and from non-Nordic countries and traditions – does it weaken or strengthen traditions? Does that matter?
– If a band has members resident in different countries – Nordic or other – which countries would give it export or promotional support?
– How Nordic do you, or your music, have to be, to be included in this branding?